I’m not even soury

10 000 Ft

12 db sör


  • 2db Euphoria (Fanyar búza homoktövissel és cseresznyével, 5% ABV)
  • 2db Green Speedo (Verjus Christus Gose, 4,5% ABV)
  • 2db Green Speedo Lime Edition (Verjus Christus Gose with lime, 4,5% ABV)
  • 2db Need for Speedo ( Orange, cascara, coffee gose, 4,5% ABV)
  • 2db Tropical Speedo (Maracuja and mango infused gose, 4,5 % ABV)
  • 2db Synth Pop Sour (Maracuja, Peach, Tonka bean sour, 8,5% ABV)

